SDS Centre is an application for viewing and downloading our product Safety Data Sheets. The SDS's are available in multiple languages. This page offers you a single central search interface to find Safety Data Sheets in our large database. You must narrow down the search by first selecting the Country/Language filter.
You will then be able to enter a Product name or Product code.
What is a Safety Data Sheet?
A Safety Data Sheet, often referred to by its acronym SDS, is a detailed informational document prepared by the manufacturer or importer of a hazardous chemical which describes the physical and chemical properties of the product. Information included in a Safety Data Sheet aids in the selection of safe products, helps you understand the potential health and physical hazards of a chemical and describes how to respond effectively to exposure situations.
How do I find the SDS of a product that you sell?
This site offers you a single central search interface to find Safety Data Sheets in our database. It contains thousands of Safety Data Sheets, so you must narrow down the search by first selecting the Country/Language filter. You will then be able to enter a Product name or Product code.
Here is how it works:
Country / Language filter: |
it will only search for Safety Data Sheets written in the language selected and applicable to that particular country.
Product name / code text box: |
If you know the name of a product, or its trademark name, or maybe just the few characters of the grade, type them here. |
The search works on a 'Contains' basis, and wild card characters must not be used. The maximum number of result returned is restricted to 30 records, so an accurate product name should be entered. The search may also work on the product code number, however, be aware that our product codes can have regional variants for the same product.
Can I use the product name, if I know it?
If you know the exact product name, after selecting your country/language, enter it in the Product name box and hit search. Be aware that some regional product names may contain a ™ or ® mark. It may be best to search by entering only the product grade number (eg ORX) rather than only the brand (CRODAMIDE) to ensure that the results returned do not exceed the limit.
I want the SDS for LANTROL ® 1780, how do I find it?
Type in either the word LANTROL, or the number 1780, in the Product name box and hit Search.
I'm looking for the SDS of ESTASAN GT 8-60 3580 MCT OIL, KOSHER, where GT 8-60 3580 MCT is the product grade, and KOSHER is the monograph descriptor. How do I enter these options?
When searching for multiple words, we recommend to simply type in the brand name first and click search. If too many records are returned, then enter only the grade number (3580) in the product name box, and click search. Be aware that with some products there may be regional name variations (eg Hypermer KD1, Hypermer KD-1).
In my last search I just entered just the product grade number in the product name box, and the system returned multiple documents. How do I know which one I need?
You can sort the results list by clicking on the column header (Product name or product code). If multiple documents exist for the same product name then click on the download file link to open each document one at a time. Check for the exact product name on the first page of the SDS, and the latest issue date or version number which might be different
In my last search I entered the product name, and downloaded the SDS. I then changed the selected language, but there were no results?
After each change of product name or language you need to hit the search button, or use the reset button after a search
In my last search it did not find the product, what should I then do?
If the product is not included in the database under your selected country/language, then you should first check if the product is available under UK/English and USA/English. If still missing, then it is possible that you are searching for an obsolete product. You should contact your local Croda sales office for further assistance.